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Búsqueda por tema: Astrophysics—Congresses.
Mostrando 1-5 de 5 resultados, ordenados por
1. The cosmic dynamo : proceedings of the 157th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Potsdam, Germany, September 7-11, 1992 / edited by F. Krause, K.-H. Rädler, and G. Rüdiger. 1993 Libro
2. After the first three minutes : College Park, MD 1990 / editors, Stephen S. Holt, Charles L. Bennett, Virginia Trimble. 1991 Libro
3. Basic plasma processes on the sun : proceedings of the 142nd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Bangalore, India, December 1-5, 1989 / edited by E. R. Priest and V. Krishan. 1990 Libro
4. Astrophysics with infrared arrays / edited by Richard Elston. 1990 Libro
5. The origin and evolution of neutron stars : proceedings of the 125th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Nanjing, China, May 26-30, 1986 / edited by D.J. Helfand and J.-H. Huang. 1987 Libro

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